Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The ChalkBarn is in Progress!


It took a little while to finally get around to posting, but here are the latest photos of the "Garden Shed" in our back yard.

Thanks to the hard work of my Dad, brother, myself, and the help and patience of my Mom and beautiful wife, the storage shed sprang to life over the 4th of July weekend and the succeeding week.

In 8 days, working from 7am to sundown, we worked in the (relatively pleasant) outdoor sun, and if it wasn't for the pesky county, we would have likely gotten very close to finishing the project.

Instead, someone decided to call the county and tip them off to our project. They came out to have a look and decided that we should probably stop work until we filed all of the valid paperwork. Now, I'm not a big fan of breaking laws, but the reality of the situation is that my fine help (and myself) only have a limited number of days in a given year that we can work on projects like this. Time is money, and in my mind, time can be better spent being productive and producing a quality product without having someone looking over your shoulder. Plus, it helps having a fantastic building expert at your disposal (Hi Dad!) who has built a few buildings and decks in his years and knows what he's doing.

I also knew I'd have a bit of a fight on my hands as well, as I knew that the county had a few incorrect drawings on file regarding my septic. Shame on my builder, because they filed plans for a septic system in one part of my yard and then decided to put it somewhere else. We knew where the septic was, so we built the building where it wasn't... but I knew if the county came calling, there would be some explaining.

Fast forward 3 weeks of submitting plans, hiring a SURVEYOR! ($$$!!!), and inspections later and we're completely legal on both the DECK and the BARN. I need to add a few small braces to the deck (they had to find something), and then add a few extra braces to the rafter and a couple of other places on the barn, and we're good to go.

We received the permits for everything on Friday, and on Sunday were treated to a great rainbow over the building. The inspectors came out on Monday and now we're back in business. We'll wrap up construction on the weekend of August 14th, 15th and 16th and should be good to go.

What did we do the rest of the week after the county shooed us off of our barn project? Why we went to Washington, DC of course! A few pictures of that are in the massive barn project picture page below as well.

Now without further ado... the pictures you have all been waiting for... the shed in progress.