Saturday, June 09, 2007

Watch Holly Graduate from Home!

You don't have to come all the way to Columbus to see Holly graduate. That's right, if you can read this blog, you can watch Holly graduate via the power of the World Wide Web.

OSU, partnering with the local PBS television station, is broadcasting the graduation ceremony LIVE on its website. Graduation ceremonies start at 1:00PM tomorrow (Sunday, 6/10).

How do I watch Holly graduate?
  1. Click on this link. (
  2. Click on "Commencement Live Video Stream and Broadcast." (It's a red link in the middle of the page)
  3. Click on "Click Here to Watch Live Video Stream"
  4. Then Click "Windows Media".
  5. A window should pop up with the graduation ceremony (right now it just shows a blue screen since nothing is broadcast yet).
Once the video is playing, you can right-click on the video and choose "Full Screen" to expand the video to your full screen. Hit the "Esc" key to go back.

Also, you can go to the above website after graduation to see Holly graduation any time of the day or night that you want!

You will definitely see and hear President Clinton speak, and you should see and hear Holly's name being read and Holly actually graduating (since they read and do each PhD separately)... she is #64 overall.

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