On January 19th, Brian Casto and I went to a Wake Forest Alumni event in Charlotte to watch the Bobcats take on Tim Duncan and the San Antonio Spurs. Tim stopped by to sign some autographs for Deacon fans. (You can follow this story along with the photos below).
I opened the book to the beginning of his thesis and held it out for him to sign. When the blue book caught his eye, Tim took it and said "What is this?"
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I told him that it was his honors thesis from WF which was published by his adviser, Dr. Leary. Clearly surprised, Tim SMILED a huge smile and checked out the front cover.
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When Tim opened the book back to his chapter, I pointed out his name listed as an author, and he said "That's cool" with another big smile.
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After he signed the book, Brian asked Tim if anyone had ever asked him to sign his thesis before. Tim said, "This is a first."
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That's right folks. This means that I have the ONLY autographed copy of Tim Duncan's Wake Forest honors thesis. Thanks to Brian Casto (awesome photographer and best friend ever!), I have pictures to prove the whole thing. Thank you Brian! After we got Tim's autograph, Tim Duncan and the Spurs went on to beat the Charlotte Bobcats! GO DEACS!
You are my hero! This is now our most prized autograph possession. Lewis Black and John Heffron take a back seat...
Seriously, though... instant credibility in any Psychology Class (as a Prof)... "Want to see NBA MVP Tim Duncan's AUTOGRAPHED Honors Thesis?" HECK YEAH!
What an accomplishment! You have talked about this for awhile. Don't let Jason talk you into auctioning this off on E-bay once he retires. Now you are the BPOC (Big Prof. on Campus)
Mom Chalk
That is so excellent. Even in the little pics here, his surprise and big smile are obvious.
I am impressed and slightly concerned about your extensive knowledge of Tim Duncan. :) Glad you were able to make it happen! :)
I'm still calling geek on you...just a little...so what WOULD it take for you to sell it?
I would NEVER sell it! Never ever!
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