I have no idea how to use "Twitter" as a verb, adjective, or noun (or as I like to call them-- "Action Words", "Describing Words", and "Naming Words" -- First Grade Grammar, which is all I really ever received in my stunning education, ROCKS!).
Back to Tweeting Twitter... I joined up. I figure if my congressman can Twitter while the President is speaking, then it can't be that hard.
I think I've figured out why everyone likes it. You can post to Twitter and then it gets updated all over the Internet, including Twitter itself, my Facebook (known to some as FacePage), as well as The ChalkBoard.
You can see what I'm doing by looking to your right ------->
I will try Twittering out, but if I ever need to make a large, cool post, I'll still use the Chalkboard. However Twitter can be done with my cell phone very easily, so I may be updating that more often.
1 comment:
You will find any excuse to use your new cell phone. I'm glad you haven't forgotten your first grade grammar. I actually think that you learned it from School House Rocks commercials on Saturday morning T.V. I look forward to hearing from "Tweety" the twitterer more often.
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