Sunday, December 31, 2006

Front Row Basketball...

And for the last post of the year, we bring you pictures from the OSU - Coppin State game!

We took our good camera to the game, and got some great shots! Check out all the pictures (by clicking on the link or picture above), and also look at the LAST PICTURE. That wasn't taken by us... that shot was published in the Columbus Dispatch. Check to see who is watching in the background. You can't get any closer than that!

In other news, I wish all of my loyal readers the Happiest of New Year!!! (you know who you are, Mom(s) , Grandma, and family!)

Stay tuned for more excitement next year!

1 comment:

Mom and Dad Chalk said...

I'm so happy you guys are getting such great seats for your last season of games. I do enjoy reading your blogs even if all of my responses don't always show up. I do try to respond to every one. Have a great season. Go Bucks!
