Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I hope that everyone enjoyed a historic election night on Tuesday. I am proud that someday I can tell my children that I helped put the first African American president in the White House. I want to give a shout-out to Ohio, who finally made up their mind in an election. As soon as Jason and I leave the state, they finally get it right! Hopefully, NC will come into the fold as well. I am looking forward to the change that we so deeply need. I am hopeful that Obama can lead us in the right direction.


HennHouse said...

We miss you as neighbors. Would love to tell someone who really understands about our voting and election night experiences.

Mom and Dad Chalk said...

Well said Holly. It will be exciting to watch him build his team and get started. His inaugural address would be something to see - - we are tempted to make the journey in January just to witness it. Andy

jasonchalk said...

I did a search online, and I think that you have to have connections or $$$ these days to be anywhere near the inauguration... however if anyone wants to research it and find a way in, we are definitely a good spot to stay (or at least visit!)

Unknown said...

I can't wait for the doubters to see that Obama was the right choice.
