Monday, March 02, 2009

Professor Basketball: Too Funny Not to Share

I may be biased, but I think that my husband's little quirks are HILARIOUS! For those of you who also enjoy Jason's ridiculous antics, I have a good one for you.

Since the day we moved to Westminster, Jason tried to gather a group of guys to play basketball each Saturday. For a while, it was sad. Sometimes, I even went so they had 2 on 2. By now, this group has grown, and they have a decent showing each week. So, what's hilarious, you ask? Below, I offer you one of Jason's weekly inspirational e-mails to his group, which he refers to as "Professor Basketball." Enjoy!

"We had another great 5-on-5 series with some students again. This time on the main court. While we did drop our first game against students, we did win the series 2-1... meaning that we've built a 2-0 series lead between ourselves and "random students in the rec center". If this were the NBA, we'd be finding ourselves on the brink of our first "Conference Championship".

Either that means that all of the half-court basketball we've been playing has started to pay off as we continue to cream kids in the physical prime of their lives, or the students don't yet understand the true meaning of "The Weekend Warrior" (where winning on Saturdays is *ALL* that matters!). Either way, I'll take our W's :-).

Let me know who is in for this week, and let's keep the games rolling.


jasonchalk said...

Hey--how did you sneak in and take a picture of me at work???

jasonchalk said...

The sad part is that I have quite a few people who are on my mailing list that never show up. I offer to take them off the list (repeatedly) and they always say "No thanks, I enjoy the emails".

So I have to give 'em what they ask for!!!

Mom and Dad Chalk said...

I'm glad you have a group of guys to play with. Whatever it takes to keep them motived, you have to do. Keep on creaming the kids.


Anne said...

The key unanswered question about last week's series, as I understand it, was this:
HOW old were these kids that you went 2-1 against?
Because as I heard it, it wasn't college kids.

jasonchalk said...

Haha. I have no idea, honestly... I just assumed they were college kids? They all look so young to me anymore... and short!

Anne said...

I think Spencer reported them to me as middle-schoolers. Like, 12 year olds. (I could be confusing last weekend for some other weekend)

Anonymous said...

One of them was confirmed to be my 21-yr-old FYS student.

Anne said...

That is much less funny.

Laura said...

I think the "key" here is Jason's comment "and short". Maybe you old guys should pick on someone your own size.
