Thursday, October 22, 2009

At Long Last -- The Ontario High School Alumni Band

Everyone that did not get to witness the amazing spectacle of the Chalk Brothers and the Ontario High School Band (I think that's how the billing went)... it is finally loaded to Youtube for your listening pleasure.

It was rainy and wet, but it was still a blast. I actually was able to get it under control, and Matt and I didn't sound half bad, but my trombone skills are already quickly eroding.

Oh well... there is always next year! (They mentioned wanting to do it again next year... and I might just be game.)

Note for the technically dis-inclined... click on the picture below to play the video. Once the video is playing, the button on the bottom of the video second from the left (it looks like a square) will make the video full screen.


Anonymous said...

You guys were great! Skip forward to 8:50 for a close-up of the Chalk brothers playing together.

Anne said...

Awesome! That was a wet night, you were not kidding. My favorite part is from 10:05-10:20, when the whole band is on the sideline and just breaks into spontaneous goofing around.