Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let it Snow, Let is Snow... Ok, that's enough... really, it can stop snowing now... STOP SNOWING!!!

And the blizzard of 2009 is over... 19 inches is the official total recorded in Westminster, but it seemed like an awful lot more. It started on Friday night around 11PM and most of the snow was done with by 11PM Saturday night. That left Sunday morning to clean out the mess.

I got the Bolens tractor all set up for snow, but it just couldn't cut through the mass of snow that was drifted in the back yard -- probably 2 1/2 feet in some places. So, back into the shed the tractor went, and 4 hours and a semi-sore back later and the driveway was clear. UGH! 4" of snow is great, 8" is plenty, but 19"? Yuck! Check the pictures on the deck in the evening... that is a LOT of snow on that table! Also take a look at how high the snow is on the railings.

Now that the tractor is all set up and ready for the next snow, I bet it won't snow again the rest of the year!

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