Monday, July 31, 2006

Welcome to Miami... (of Ohio)

Holly moved succesfully into her apartment on 7/30, with the help of her wonderful husband and his even more wonderful family! (Thanks Mom, Dad, and Jenn for helping us move!!!)

Holly and company arrived at around 1:30 on Sunday to Miami of Ohio and found that Holly's roommate Sara had the apartment mostly settled, with the exception of Holly's room (of course) and Holly's half of the office.

The apartment isn't too bad... although it's a bit of a stretch from the comforts of our home.

The good:
  • A great roommate with most of the apartment already furnished.
  • The carpet is in good condition.
  • Holly has enough space (barely). Of course, Sunny has prime real estate in Holly's room!
  • Location--about 3 minutes to her work, and close access to food, groceries, and Wal-Mart.

The "ok":

  • It could stand to be a little further than 50 feet from the railroad tracks.
  • Whoever wired the cable tv outlets (by stringing cable around the floor of the apartment, in one wall and out another) clearly should have watched a little more Bob Vila while growing up.

The worst:

  • 2 hours away from "home"!!!

After we got everything moved in and thanked the family with lunch at Qdoba and desert at Coldstone Creamery, we got to work unpacking (and multiple trips to Walmart and Kroger for supplies and groceries). By Monday morning, we got almost everything unpacked. We went to lunch with some people from Holly's internship, saw Holly's office (pictures will be coming soon), and then went to dinner with Holly's roommate Sara.

After that, Jason took off to come home and dutifully update the blog, so that everyone can see Holly's new "Vacation Home" in beautiful Oxford, Ohio!

So, without further ado... the pictures:

A look at Holly's room from her door.

Holly in her room in "Chair Giant"... she'll be using it to study, relax, or...

With a quick change of cage configuration, Holly can let Sunny come over for a visit. Sunny's a big fan of this feature!!!

Holly's bed is all made... had to take a picture, because odds are it won't stay made!!! (We're both bad at that... but Holly particularly so!!!)

And Holly in her office with her big XM Radio playing tunes.

For *ALL* the pictures, (including pictures from other rooms in the apartment) click HERE for the full gallery.

Holly starts work at her internship bright and early at 7:30AM tomorrow. Wish Holly well with her new endeavor!!!

I love you, dear, and miss you (and Sunny) very much!!!


Jill McCartney Wagoner said...

It's like being in a dorm! Hey Price stayed in a dorm for training this week. Maybe you could compare notes. hee hee

Just one more year right?!?!?!?


Wakemom said...

It looks like a very nice apartment. It may not be home but its sure better than alot of places all of you have inhabited at one time or another. The two of you have so many ways to keep in touch and hopefully, the time will pass relatively quickly. You should find a restaurant for Wednesday night dinner half way between "homes" to break up the week.

Love ya both, Mom

jasonchalk said...

We'll definitely have to "meet halfway" sometimes. There are a couple of times when we'll be "stuck" in different cities over the weekend, so we'll both probably meet in Dayton and find out if there is anything more to that city than the Wright Brothers and an Air Force Base/Museum.

So far we're practically one week down and we're surviving!