Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Happy Holidays!

We've finally got all of our Christmas presents purchased and wrapped, so we are able to share our beautiful Christmas tree with ChalkBoard Nation! If we are attending a Christmas celebration near you, your present is sitting under the tree, waiting. Which one is yours??? Only time will tell!

We're trying a new way of displaying pictures to the Chalkboard. Hopefully the above works, and it looks like a slideshow. If you click on the pictures above, you should still be able to go to Picasa Web Albums (like you were able to before).


Mom and Dad Chalk said...

The tree looks beautiful! I hope my present is the big blue one in the back! Have a very Merry Christmas and safe travels.


Michael said...

The big blue one is mine. It looks like a 32" Plasma or LCD TV which is exactly what I wanted. I hope to see this with my name on it under the Christmas tree in Columbia City at the end of the month.

Uncle Mike

jasonchalk said...

The big blue one is actually a really cool present... it was mine so I opened it early :-). It's a picture of Ohio Stadium with Script "Chalk". It's pretty neat.

Looking forward to seeing everyone for Christmas! Hopefully Santa is nice and brings the 32" TV directly to your house, Uncle Mike... because our chimney is too small to fit one down.

Laura said...

You did a great job on the tree. I'll take the smallest gift. We all know it should be the best. We hope you have a great Christmas at each place you go.

Love, Mom and Richard

mark chalk said...

Hey Jason, thanks to my SP2magnifying system I was able to tell which presents belongs to whom. Nice try, I know exactly which one is mine.


jasonchalk said...

Now Uncle Mark is on my blog? Hmm... how do I delete comments... hahahaha